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September 15, 2013


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You're back! Awesome!


I can't wait for my drive home!


Awesome, can't wait to listen! Downloading right now!

Lord of the Dome

It only seems like yesterday that Rome was wrapping up. Great to have you back!


You have been missed, sir. Welcome back!


Glad to see you back! Woohoo! <3


SO EXCITED! I haven't even finished Rome yet (my own little bundle of joy derailed my listening until recently), but I figure, I can do both at the same time!


Yeah, can't waitto see what you have cookin'.


It's great to hear new work by you. Your podcast on Rome was my first podcast series, and also to date the most serious listening commitment I have yet made to a podcast... Here we go again! :-D

Matt Coleman

It's weird to know that I'll have to actually wait for a week to listen to your stuff. Discovered THoR after it was all done, but listened to every episode at least 3 or 4 times. I've been around the interwebz block, and your podcasts are the Gold Standard. Beyond thrilled that you're back.

simon rowlands

great to have you back mike,just listened to the first episode, hooked
already and im in for the long haul, mike you need your own show on the history channel, so anyone in the tv biz start lobbying for this guy, best history communicator by a country mile.cant wait for the american revolution heard it was a draw.

Bill LaMorey

Going to subscribe right now; can't wait!

Agrippa Sulla

Hi Mike. I am a big fan of THoR podcast. I love your work and am glad you are doing another podcast. However, I've got some constructive criticism for Revolutions. I'm not entirely sure why, but with THoR podcast I never asked, 'why am I listening to this?' Maybe it's because it had a beginning, middle and an end. However, with Revolutions, because we're being dropped into a time period with so much background, halfway through 002 I found my self asking 'Why am I listening to this?' - not because the content wasn't interesting or well presented, but because I didn't know what I should be taking away from the English Civil War, or even why it is important. I'm sure I'll know these things by the end of the podcasts, but in your next Revolution series, maybe you could talk a little about why you selected that Revolution and why it was important just to set the context a little better. pls don't take this the wrong way, I *really* enjoy listening to your work. :-)


Hey, glad to see you're back. I heard it mentioned at the end of The History of Byzantium podcast and thought "Yay!". Looking forward to listening.

Jason W

I would love to here your spin on the Eureka Stokade. I think it falls in the realm of this topic. It certainly has profound significance in Australia. Either way, I'm loving your return. Good on ya, nackers!

Andrew Nicholson

Great podcast. Welcome back.

Nb. One minor correction
Gloucester = "Gloss -ter" , to rhyme with Foster.


Hey Mike, very glad you are back after your awesome Rome podcast.

I really like the idea of the new podcast. Here comes the but. I know the English Civil war maybe a good part of the podcast, but it's not a good start. At least in my case (german) I know nothing about it. It's all new and very confusing.

Maybe it would have been better to start with something more common known like the Russian Revolution or the French Revolution. Then, when the listener is hooked, go deeper into history. Show why they are also as important as the ones before.

The History of Rome podcast started with legends and historical background and then presented us with protagonists and their follow ups. We got to hear about the milestones in relation to what we already heard before. This is important.


Dia Dhuit. As an Irishman I cringed when I learned the new podcast was starting with the Brits. I enjoy Mike so it only lasted for a short spell, and that's saying a lot. I'll look forward to every podcast with a greatful heart and wait patiently for the Easter Rising in Dublin. Croi follain agus gob fliuch, Michael. Slán.


Please let me know whether there is any script. Because i am not good at listening English. So it would be good if i can listen and read you podcast together!!

Please let me know,,,,

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