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January 29, 2012


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Matt, NL

Good episode Mike, looking forward to hearing more of Aetius' exploits


Great show as always. I too look forward to the next episodes. Aetius is a very interesting character in history. He is the Roman tradition mixed with the pragmatic reality of a splintered empire. The fact that he was able to wield power effectively for over 3 decades in the chaotic 5th century says a lot about him. The last of the Romans is a fitting title for him indeed...

Jonathan Vega

A very good intro to Aetius! I am looking forward to hearing more about him as he is the Last of the Romans. I may have a correction as I thought that Aetius was pronounced as Aye Shus and not A TEE US. Forgive my attempt to sound out the name. I could be wrong, but I thought I remembered hearing it pronounced that way in an undergrad class. Please keep up the fantastic work Mike!


Can i recommend William Napiers Attila trilogy in which Aëtius is portrayed as the heroic 'Last of the Romans'.

Alison Morton

Jonathan, I'm not sure how authoritative it is, but this may help with the pronunciation.

I have seen Aetius written Aëtius, which would give Ay-e-tee-us.

I'm a British English speaker, so that may have a bearing on it ;-)

A Facebook User

Thanks for all the hard work you do Mike. I've been following along since nearly the beginning.

I've "read" several of the recommendations you have made, and I'm looking for something a bit different now. Can anyone suggest a good book on Greek history? From Audible of course. I know virtually nothing of it, so even a general history would be fine.

Matt, NL

#A Facebook User: Thucydides - The Peloponnesian War is a must read imo and of course: Herodotus - The Histories >> both contemporary ancient-Greek writers


Howdy, the Peloponessian War by Donald Kagan is pretty darn good. Also, the March of the 10,000 by Xenophon is really awesome. Especially for a primary source.


Hello, Mike. Thanks again for your work.
I've been following since nearly the beinning, too.
And I have a question... You're getting close to 476. Are you going to move on to the Dark Ages history or are you planning to stop there? Technically, the History of Rome doesn't end in 476 :)


Great post . I especially found it useful where you stated .....



I think Mike has already mentioned before that he is going to stop at 476. Although i would hope for the opposide

Ryan Leonard

But Jonathan Vega, i thought Cassius was the last of the romans! :)

Alison Morton

A little off topic but yesterday at the Colosseum in Rome a case of veni, vidi sed ninxit. http://www.reuters.com/article/slideshow/idUSTRE61B26A20100212#a=1

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You cite that Valentine the III was not formally declared a Ceasar or Augustus which left the door open for a usurper. Was Yowanas (the Notary which I am sure I am misspelling) a Ceasar or some other official level that allowed this to be justified any better than Valentine?

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