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August 28, 2011


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The Eleventh Sibyl

Thanks for the comment, but this is a family podcast.


Account Deleted

I recall an earlier discussion of the use of titles, like dux. Still, Count Theodosius sounds so anachronistic.

Jeffrey Larsen

The latin version of "Count" is "Comes" which doesn't sound quite right to the ear in english.

John Cox

I'd like to recommend Chelmsford 123, it's a must see British comedy from the early 90's about the Britons under Roman rule. I got it off isohunter, but I remember watching it as a kid and loving it because I'm from around that area. It's excellent


Hi Mike,
I'm a huge fan question, Did Lucius Artorius Castus a Roman military commander help defending Britain? Or is this false?

The Eleventh Sibyl

That's okay Mike! Was written with much affection -- we are big fans.

We hope you enjoyed the obviously riveting tale, more at http://www.eleventhsibyl.blog.com/

Matt, NL

thanks for the tip John Cox, I watched some Chelmsford 123 on YouTube and thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the Latin ;)


So thus far in the timeline, Ben Kingsley is still waiting for Colin Firth and young Master Romulus Augustulus (aka "Pendragon") with his trusty "Escalibur"? Speed it up man! Merlin ain't getting any younger...or is he? Hmm...


After a 4 months History of Rome marathon I finally caught up with the podcast. I love it!! You really can´t stop with the fall of the Western Empire, are you kidding me? Pleaseee..continue with 1000 years of Constantinopla!!

Hume's Bastard

@Jeffrey Larsen: I guess what I'm getting at is, that in everyday speech or even in correspondence, no one would call Theodosius "Count" in Latin, but eberyone knew he was a "Count". Or, am I wrong? I don't think anyone addressed him as "Your Grace", either. The title just seems not to fit the culture, particularly republican Rome, when peers called each other by their praenomen, and others by their names. But, that's what I want to know: had late Roman culture changed in this way, or did the older ways linger?

Jeffrey Larsen

@Hume's Bastard: I believe by the time of Diocletian and especially afterwards the emperors began using increasingly less republican titles moving more towards medieval titles with which we are more familiar.

Diocletian for example discontinued the use of the title Princeps (or Augustus) in favor of the title Dominus (Lord).

Steve Martin

Is there any chance of doing a tour of the provinces before the empire starts abandoning them

Mike M

So you mentioned that at this point Roman emperors began delegating military leadership to subordinates so that defeat could be blamed on the losing general alone, so as to keep the emperor's position secure. However I seem to also remember one of the reasons Diocletian instituted the Tetrarchy was so that an emperor could be in direct command of an army in the chief theaters of war at all times, to avoid a successful general going rogue and sending the empire into civil war. Why the sudden change? Were the emperors really that secure that they thought they were above revolt?

By the way, excellent podcast.

Neil Lee

@John Cox - thanks for the recommendation. For others, this is a sample of Chelmsford 123 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zYVoZw3oHU

קידום אתרים

I think at the time of Diocletian and, especially after the emperors began to use less republican titles to go medieval titles are more familiar.

קידום אתרים

I think by Diocletian, and especially after the emperors began to be used less and less Republican labels are moving more medieval titles, which are more familiar.

Belstaff Jackets UK

It's great to hear from you and see what you've been up to. In your blog I feel your enthusiasm for life. thank you.

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