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After suffering some initial setbacks, Marcus sent Lucius east to deal with a suddenly critical war with Parthia.
92- The Parthian War
Marcus Aurelius was destined to become Emperor, but his insistence that Lucius Verus share the honor came as a surprise to everyone.
91- Marcus and Lucius and the Parthians
Big question-time blowout!
90- The Hundredth Episode
Arg. Having issues. Will hopefully get episode posted in the morning.
In which I talk for way too long about where the best tin deposits in the Roman Empire can be found.
A worthwhile map: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Roman_Empire_125.svg
89- Provincial Matters
Update: Outro music has been added and the episode reposted.
Update II: Here's another worthwhile Wikipedia map of the Empire in 117 AD (supplied by Rens down in the comment thread): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:RomanEmpire_117.svg