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January 10, 2010


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Bill Nye

Yay! THOR is back!

Caractacus' Pot

welcome back H.O.R., thoroughly enjoying the sho from my small tent in britannia


This was posted at the forum by Calvus. Might be interesting for exploring Trajan's Column.



The new year has now truly begun. Hail THOR!


Thor... nice. :)

Indeed, welcome back. I look forward to hearing the exploits of Trajan.


good to see (or rather hear) you back in action. Been needing my weekly food for thought history-wise. Long may it continue.

Matthias C. Kettemann

I've been lurking in the background for the last year or so, but I really felt that the time has come to say thank you, Mike, for this great podcast. I usually listen to it while running and since I enjoy running I usually listen to three episodes per run - a real treat. So this is just to say thank you for being the best possible auditory support for my miles.

Keith Parks

I just found your podcast and it's been an incredible experience. I started with the Cataline Conspiracy and I am up to Nero. But I just downloaded all the early ones, so I will restart at the beginning. I have a question, though. What was the Roman era calendar like? Not the days but how did the mark the years? It's hard to know that you are in 20 BC without a reference. And how did historians nail down the years when things occurred? Thanks for a great podcast and thoroughly entertaining story telling

Damian Harmony

I'm a Latin teacher, and I've just finished going over Pliny's letter to Trajan. It was nice to be able to reference your podcast in the last line of Pliny's letter, "May you be luckier than Augustus and more skilled than Trajan." Several of my students have started listening to your podcasts.

Steve B

hello all. im new to the podcast but love them. but for some reason it wont let me download before episode 35. any help on this?

Nick Stuivenberg

Hey Keith,
The Romans used the founding of the city as their starting date (753BC for us). This is known as Ab Urbe Conditia (since the founding of the City). Also years were named after the consul's of the year. Varro used that for example to calculate back to the start of The Republic.
You can look it up on wikipedia with it's errors (aut non), but it gives some information.



are we getting a new episode tonight with the holiday tomorrow ? hope son.nothing better than starting the week with THOR


Thank you, Nick. I appreciate the information. Having been a student of strictly American history for so long, this is a whole new thing for me and it's endlessly fascinating.


I wanted to say a big thank-you for the amazing and entertaining history lessons. I have an hour and a half commute to work every other day and since discovering the History of Rome I actually look forward to this time in the car. Cheers!

Jacob Bains

I recall from your early mini-series on Caesar Augustus (Octavian), that you took pains to eludidate the difference between modern-day use of the term "emperor or imperator" where princeps was the more precise title. Yet I feel very lost, or I think I missed somehting that by the time of the Trajan episodes, you mention "throne". did the princeps evolve into a king of rome (in the sense a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet)? In other words, when did Rome start having a king by another name, where they were concerned about secession as oposed to elections?

bieber supra

Those are super cute. I like you on Facebook.

bedroom furniture

great man :D

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