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November 15, 2009


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This Podcast was great. The only thing I would have to complain is that it ended very abruptly. Usually I enjoy hearing what you are going to do next week and really look forward for it, but for some strange reason, you go on like "... all men of senatorial rank had done their best..." and that's it. Tis' for this reason that I come to warn you, your podcast is incomplete. Hope that you soon correct this mistake before anybody else notices.

Other than that, Ireally love this episode.

Wish you the best of luck in all incoming endeavors.


yes...a dramatic cliff hanger!


The ending was a bit abrupt but nevermind what a podcast! the best! enjoying every episode. looking forward to the emperor hadrian (i only live about 5 miles from the wall). nice one Mike my sunday/monday would never be the same without your podcast. I suppose Vespasian is my favourite emperor (re Simon Scarrow novels). Cheers Mike.


"Is it any wonder then that the men who wrote the history of the Roman Empire, all men of senatorial rank, had done their best . . ." to what? To trash Domitian? To frequent only clean vomitoriums? To avoid ending their sentences with prepositions? What?

Great podcast, as usual. I can't wait to get to the 5 good emporers. But I would love to know what those men of senatorial rank all did their best to do.


1. 1,000 members of the Facebook group for THoR. Ave Mike.
2. Is there something missing off the end of this this podcast?


Indeed, this episode ended as abruptly as did the life of so many emperors. I especially thought the inclusion of emperor Joachim Phoenix was exciting, even if I don't understand the reference.


I prefer to think this week's podcast was to end with words about something as trivial as men of senatorial status doing their best not to forget their umbrellas on rainy days.

Great podcast as always! You are a gifted storyteller and the quirky humor does not go unappreciated. This is one of the highlights of the beginning of my week.


@ Simon,


Andrew Maxim

I know it may be a little late to throw this out there, but a couple of episodes back Mr. Duncan put out the idea of going on a bit of a lecture tour and one of the cities included was Boston, Mass, among other places. I want you to know that I would certainly go to your lecture/presentation if you were come here (Boston). Thanks for the great podcasts and keep them coming!


Re: The truncated podcast - You could always post the end of the script here. I imagine you were on the home stretch at the point the file was cut short.


Maybe it was on purpose? Like when Titus says, "I have made but one mistake."


FredBear: "Joaquin Phoenix" was a reference to the movie Gladiator, where he played Commodus.


It ended like Python's Holy Grail


Mike has confirmed that "the last 4 seconds were inexplicably cut off". He will repost tonight.


I absolutely love your podcast.

By the way I just wanted to thank you for your podcast.This semester I have a seminar on the age of Augustus and I had to do a presentation on the events to the battle of Actium. I used your podcast as a Structure and your maps were great for my handout. Well you saved me a lot of work in finding maps.

Thanks I will definitely continue listening.



It's been reposted! The last words are "did their best to confine Domitian to the dustbin of history?"


I preferred it as the mysterious "have made but one mistake" mistake.




Love the podcast,and seen several similar requests. Where can I find the first thirty or so podcasts? It seems iTunes bumps one every time a new one is posted, and I feel like I am really missing out. I am deployed to Iraq with my reserve unit, and the podcast thing is really a bit of sanity w/o tv, radio, or newspapers.


@ Anthony

The older episodes can be found here




Many thanks! Just received mortar fire for the last two hours lol, this is some welcome relief!

Grandpa D

@ Anthony: Thank you for your service. You hang in there. I'm glad our son's podcast has brought you some relief.


I am at a sad point in my History of Rome podcast listening, I have caught up!

Up to now I have listened to at least 3 or 4 episodes a week but now I will have to wait a week between each new episode! The horror. I may go back to the beginning again :)

I have no idea how you guys survived the wedding hiatus. (Belated congrats btw!)


Try re-listening from the start again or listenign to favourite sections. It works for me.


Fantastic Podcast - I too am in the unfortunate position of having just completed the complete set and having to go back over it all again.

If I do have a minor gripe, it really jarred on my ear to hear Agricola rhyming with coca-cola ! (instead of agric-uh-la) I guess we all have our quirks of pronunciation ! - the other two that jump out at me is britania (a is short as in "rule britania" and not to rhyme with Mania - grates on the ear of a limey !) and I genuinely took a while to work out that e-quites are equites (eh-kwit-ays). But what the hell ! three words in 70 odd pod casts. I wish I could do anywhere near as well. Tom-ah-tos : Tom-ay-tos I guess ... Keep up the brilliant work !

darkfall gold

Excellent post.Generally I do not post on blogs, but I would like to say that this post really forced me to do so.


Talk about being late to the party! I have just recently found THoR and am thoroughly enjoying what a great program you've put together. The 'Joaquin' reference literally made me laugh out loud. Love it! Hope you are not being tempted to make Austin normal. :) This is late, but anyways congrats on the wedding, move and well, welcome to Texas!

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