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October 18, 2009


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Welcome back and congratulations! We missed you.

Lisa Seelye

We've missed you! Welcome back!

(Finally, I can get my THOR fix.)


Welcome back! My Monday's won't be as dull!


hey, there he is!


YAY! Welcome back.


Welcome back!

Ian Perkins

Welcome back!! The Monday commute will be much brighter now :)


great to have you back now there's a reason to wake on mondays again


I won't lie, I was a little scared of another super long hiatus. Glad to have you back and hope the sacred chickens gave you nothing but warm omens.


Long time listener, first time poster: CONGRATULATIONS! Yours is a terrific show and I hope you enjoy putting it together half as much as your fans, and we are legion, enjoy listening to it.


Welcome back Mike! You've been missed. Congrats on the marriage and the big move. Hope everything is going well in the lone star state.

Danny Ball

I'm not listening week to week, rather downloading the podcast and listening to them later, so I only recently heard episode 53, asking about commercial endorsement. I, too, am a Roman history amateur enthusiast. I think what you have done is remarkable. I've heard some fact errors, and I disagree with some of your prespectives. Still, it's a great primer and refresher course. What an effort it must take. If you get a little recompense, I, for one, wouldn't take it amiss. In the end, it's whether you feel compromised which counts. Keep up the good work.

Danny Ball
Tampa, FL


Welcome back and congratulations Mike.

Matt, The Netherlands

Good to have you back on duty Mike...


Hey Mike, Welcome back. I was reading Gibbon in lieu of listening to your podcast for the last few weeks, but yours is infinitely lighter to lug around on an underground train.


Woohoo!! Welcome back Mike (and Mrs THoR). I know I need to get a life - because I have really missed your 20 minutes of banter and cerebral topup.


Welcome Back!!!


Yay! Good to have you back. I hope the wedding went fine, and it didn't sink too heavily into Roman debauchery.

Another great episode. It always amazes me how casual the Ancients would be about murdering vast number of people to secure power.

The good ol' days.


Welcome back mike and congratulations


new listener :)


YES! Welcome back and Congrats! YeeHaw!

Bernard McMahon

Hey Mike
Welcome back, just download #70 and can't wait to get back into you very insightful and fascinating History of Rome. I love it.
Keep up the good work.


Hey welcome back! When you get situated in Austin shoot me an email and we'll hit the local watering holes.


Amazing come back :-). Keep em coming


Welcome back! How do you like the Austin heat after Oregon?


Congratulations on the nuptials Mike and Mrs THoR.

I just wanted to say thanks for the great podcast, I thoroughly enjoy it.

Ralf in NZ

Welcome back Mike,
Your move to Texas coincided with my move from England to New Zealand so after being settled here it is nice to get back to some normality and the routine of the regular podcast. Thank you for giving our sad lives some structure.


First time listener. I'm finally catching up. Like to listen to the first 24. Where can I find them? Thanks for the hard work.


great to have you back and hope married life has got off to a great start.
would appear I'm far from being the only new listener you picked up in your absence, and I'm (whilst typing this) getting on to episode 33 and still hooked. keep up the great work!

Sam, all the early episodes can still be downloaded from the blog's original location: http://thehistoryofrome.blogspot.com/


Awesome podcast. I'm working on catching up since I'm a new listener. I'm just finished Cincinatus!


It's good to have you back again! Hell, everybody deserves a vacation once in a while!


Great podcast, extremely well done with lots of information about the historically unrivaled political and military intrigue. I am curious if there is any historical information about communication issues involved in ruling such a large society and territory given the unavailability of printed word at the time.

How exactly was Rome able to communicate precisely with societies who spoke a different, often unknown language? Even today, I find communication issues to be the single most likely problem experienced by individuals and organizations. I know Latin was the dominant language, but surely Rome encountered tribes and nations which spoke a language completely dissimilar to Latin.

Rome was obviously the military superpower of the time, so perhaps they didn't need to know that the words they used with foreign cultures were precise. Perhaps the mere presence of their armies was sufficient to articulate the message that other societies must submit to Rome or be destroyed.

Still, running an empire on a day-by-day basis must have required an extraordinary ability to communicate with subjects in an accurate manner so that all sides understood what was going on.

If anyone has information about this subject, I would be most grateful for elucidation.


Hi All: trying to do my first post to the blog and may have made a mistake so there my be two posts from me.

Mike: love the podcasts, find them really informative, and appreciate the fact that you make corrections from time to time.

Congratulations and welcome to married life. I was recently in Rome and took in the Pantheon. You were right on this one, it is impressive. See some of my pics at:


Welcome back Mike!!

While you were away I took the time to listen to the episodes all the way through again. Wonderful stuff.

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