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June 05, 2009


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David Dovey

Hey, what the heck, Christians of late antiquity.


thanks for the bonus episode..really good material


"19 AD he died of mysterious circumstances"

One can die under mysterious circumstances... not sure someone can die OF mysterious circumstances.

Oh man, I was walking down the street, and these mysterious circumstances totally lodged in my nostril!

Kyle Johnson

thanks for the special episode

Mike in Phoenix

Great episode Mike! I really like the addition of pics to the series. Now, why exactly would Germanicus enter Egypt without the permission of Tieberius if it was so well known that no one could do so without his expressed written consent? Did he just simply overlook that rule or did he have an ulterior motive in doing so? Or is that a question there is no clear answer on? Also, would his Pro-Counselor authority not shield him from that rule?

Anthony Rose

Your podcast is outstanding. Do you think you would ever do a blog or episode about movies/tv shows about Rome and which ones are relatively factually correct? I've only seen the HBO Rome series and I thought they were great. They glossed over a lot of information, of course, but that's why we have your podcast right? Keep it up.

Anthony Rose

one more thing I forgot to ask, I would love to buy a CD from you with all the episodes on there, maybe edited to subtract the intro/outro guitar, but still leaving one track per episode. Is this something you would ever consider doing? Probably when your finished with the whole series, keep it in mind because I would definitely go for that. I really appreciate all the work you have put into this, it makes doing yard work *MUCH* more entertaining.


Hey great suprise getting the podcast early this week. I love the Germanicus story and got the book "Killing Ceasar" by Stephan Dando-Collins, I was wondering if you read any of his books. He did a great book called "Nero's Killing Machine" and he detailed The Battle of Watling Street that turned back the revolt by Budica that should be showing up in the next couple podcasts. I can't wait to hear your take on the Romans in Britannia and the revolt of Budica.

Talk to you latter,
Rob in Cincinnati


Sorry that book is called "Blood of the Ceasars" not Killing Ceasar

Rob still in Cincinnati


quality podcast, looking foward to claudius invading Britannia.

Vectic, Britannia

Jared Croft

"Hey, what the heck, Christians of late antiquity."

Yeah, Christians of late antiquity, what the heck? It's though shalt not worship idols, not though shalt not see their olfactory organ and shall brand them with a cross.

"Now, why exactly would Germanicus enter Egypt without the permission of Tieberius if it was so well known that no one could do so without his expressed written consent?"

Because he was mad as hell and wasn't going take it anymore! CUO! TO THE TIBER WITH TIBERIUS!

Jonathan Freilich

Finally through all previous episodes and up to here. It's been fun- thanks for putting it up. Your sense of humor puts an addictive spin on the series.

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One can die under mysterious circumstances... not sure someone can die OF mysterious circumstances.

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Mike, love the podcast! I came to it late though, and am catching up as fast as I can. Unfortunately, iTunes seems to have skipped a bunch of episodes, starting with this one :( Any way I can get them? (i generally listen using itunes on my phone)

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