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January 04, 2009


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A great surprise finding the new podcasts in Itunes.
Glad you picked it up again.
Greetings from The Netherlands!


You've heard this before... but tremendous p-cast! After rent, I will certainly donate. There's also a "static" podcast on the Byzantine Empire out there but a prof from "Stony [something] college." Yours and its go soooo well together. I had actually stopped listening to podcasts after you went away for a bit... now I'm back at it! Wooohoooo! Thank you!


Roel- Greetings back. I love the Netherlands. I gave a presentation in my European Politics back in college where I basically argued the whole world needed to be more like the Dutch. Plus, you guys have the coolest names. Way to go.

KMichaels- 12 Byzantine Rulers is what made me want to do this in the first place.


There seems to be a problem somewhere in the download. I can't download via iTunes, directly via my iPhone, through Safari or Firefox. All say something to the effect of the file or site isn't there. The previous episode also had issues via iTunes, but was able to get it via iPhone directly.


Hey. Great podcast. I've been listening for a while and really enjoy it. I actually picked it up after Brownworth's "12 Byzantine Rulers" finished. I hadn't realized the golden years of Roman Republic were so turbulent. Can't wait to hear more as you get into the Roman Empire.

The thing I've often wondered about the Roman Empire, and maybe this is just a misunderstanding on my part, is why was the Succession line not more direct along father-son lines. Vespasian to Titus/Domitian and Marcus Aurelius to Commodus being the few instances of father to son that I know of prior to Constantinian Dynasty. Any particular reason for that, or just a lack of sons?



Despite the breakdown of the republican order, Roman antipathy toward any hint of monarchy lived on. The Romans were highly suspicious of father to natural son succession so the norm became adoption of a successor once a suitable candidate was found. This worked particularly well during the reign of the 5 Good Emperors when the candidates were all chosen for merit rather than kinship.

Or, maybe this had something to do with it...

Natural sons alive at time of Emperor's death:

Augustus- None
Tiberius- None
Caligula- None, plus he was assassinated
Claudius- one young son who would be passed over in favor of Nero (who then had the boy murdered)
Nero- None, plus he was assassinated
Year of Four Emperors- coup upon countercoup
Vespasian- Titus and Domitian
Titus- None
Domitian- None, plus he was assassinated
Nerva- None
Trajan- None
Hadrian- None
Antonius Pius- None
Marcus Aurelius- Joaquin Phoenix
Joaquin Phoenix- The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

You make the call.


Marcus Aurelius- Joaquin Phoenix
Joaquin Phoenix- The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

I was eating a sandwich when I read that and it all came up over my keyboard...thanks ;)


Thanks for the reply. I hadn't realized so few had children, let alone alive children by the time they died. There's still hope for Joaquin. I mean, now that he's in a band I'm sure having many children will soon follow. The Empire may rise again.

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darkfall gold

I can't wait to hear more as you get into the Roman Empire.


is the link broke ?
love the show and cant wait to hear more,
great gob

Greets from Belgium


The link appears to be broken. :o(

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