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December 07, 2008


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Maybe its just me, but this file is cut off. It ends at 8 minutes and 56 seconds. I've downloaded it twice and both copies were like that. So far... really good. Just waiting to finish it. :D


I really missed your podcast. Glad it is back!! You do a great job!!


This is the best podcast, ever. Please keep up the amazing work.


Hey! Just wanted to drop a comment to say that I just found this podcast and I'm really enjoying it. I'm going back through the archives and each episode seems to get better.

Keep up the great work!


I love your podcast! It's my favorite of all the history podcasts and I am so glad that it's back. You do an amazing job- thank you!

Fraser Ronald

A couple of places during this episode, I actually laughed out loud. The best (and I paraphrase) "Spartacus Rocks, starring Spartacus"


I am so glad you have come back. Hearing your voice again feels so good. Throughout our long separation all I did was think about you coming back! There were times, though, when I was so lonely without you. I know it might hurt to tell you this but...I was unfaithful: I listened to many episodes of The Napoleon Podcast. I know the fact that after each time I was left wanting does not make it any easier. I just hope you can understand how needy I was and that you will believe me when I say it meant nothing. I feel it is important to continue on by starting with honesty. I am so glad you are back!


Great job on the series - I really enjoy your work.



The last three epidodes seem to have some background hiss, which the episodes you recorded before your hiatus didn't have. I can hear the hiss both whilst listening on my mp3 and on PC. But I am curious if anyone else has noticed this, or if it's just me?

Best Wishes,



I am planning some super fun process-of-elimination experiments to identify and destroy the source of the white noise. Hopefully Episode 37 will sound better.

Milo T. Fish


Just discovered your podcast tonight over on podcastalley.com, and just this minute finished listening to the first episode. Wanted to say, "Thank you," and "Great Job!" Lots of neat stuff I never knew ("Why was the ROMAN language called LATIN, daddy?" "Dunno. Shut up and get me a beer!")

Looking forward to hundreds of more years of Roman rise and fall.


I donated even though unemployed and poor. Continuing education and human development ain't easy. I'd never say hurry up, you know, let the creative juices flow. But you definitely gotta know your excellent work has created junkies. Blessings. I'll be passing along your work for years. PLEASE consider putting in a few episodes at the end to deliver your interpretations on how the history you've covered is reflected in later history. No joke homie, I've passed along .mp3 to at risk youth. Hope you are enjoying a golden age.


Sorry to go off-topic. But I think this is quite interesting.


Ancient Roman battlefield excavated in Lower Saxony

"Archaeologists have discovered an ancient roman battlefield from the third century near Göttingen that will rewrite history, Lower Saxony's department for preservation of historical monuments said on Thursday."



Great, great, podcast. I love the orgniazation and pacing. Can you do something addressing the historical errors in popular media treatment of the Julius Caesar timeline? Shakespeare and HBO took a lot of poetic license with Brutus, Mark Antony and the lot. Also, while I like the chronological approach, theme episodes, like the Christmas episode last year, are a nice too. Keep it going.


You don't watch Shakespeare to learn history, but to be marvelously entertained. You listen to Mike Duncan to learn AND be entertained! Great that you are back

Dan Prachar

Hi Mike, I really enoy the show. Since you seem to be in the mood for pronunication tweeks, let me offer one for Josephus, pronounced as you would the American words "Joe See Fuss." See Paul Maier's book, Josephus: the Essential Works (1994).


This remains one of my all time favorites.


I just started listening to this podcast a few weeks ago and I'm really enjoying it.

I can't believe I'm the first one to comment on Peter Ustinov here. Nice little sneaky tie in to the Kirk Douglas intro.

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