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06 December 2015


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Hooray for tiny triangles!

Arthur S.

I was wondering if you would cover the slave uprisings in other French colonies during the 1790s, especially the one in Guadeloupe (featuring Louis Delgres). Also if you will cover Francois Mackandal's early uprising in 1750 in Haiti?

Roi Espino

A small comment about the name of the colony. More than a translation from Spanish is a corruption.

The name of the Spanish side, Santo Domingo, would be literally translated as "Holy Sunday" and in French it would be "Saint Dimanche". So they just took the Spanish pronunciation and used it with a French accent. And Domingo became Domingue

This was fairly common with the Spanish possession in the new world. For example I even heard that the name "Bahamas" is a corruption of the spanish "Islas de bajamar" "that would be something as like "low tide islands" ;)


Woohoo! I'm psyched for this one. I learned about History of Rome about a year ago, and I got caught up just as we finished the French Revolution.

Hey, Mike, is it possible to put these maps in the RSS feed, so that those of us using feedreaders don't have to sit down at a computer and come to the website to see?


Great start and overview. I wasn't sure if I was going to be as interested in this one, but you've set the stage so well that I'm already getting sucked in.


As someone who was born and raised in Haiti and moved back there a couple of years ago (Cap-Haitien), I am so stoked for this series! Great job with the overview in the first episode. The Revolution is still talked about all the time in Haiti, so I haven't heard anything I didn't know yet but it will be interesting to hear fact separated from fiction moving forward.


Hey Mike. Just wanted to say I've been listening since around 3/4ths of the end of the History of Rome, and I'm really looking forward to the Haitian Revolution. This is one I know absolutely nothing about, and it sounds really interesting (and bloody and horrible) from the first episode. All the best.

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